Sunday Music Series

The Chapel Restoration’s acclaimed Sunday Music Series has produced outstanding chamber concerts since 2000. Monthly concerts from April to November feature world-class musicians and outstanding emerging artists in an incomparable aesthetic and acoustical setting. Concerts comprise a wide range of classical, contemporary, jazz and opera.

Chapel Restoration would like to thank the following partners

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The Chapel Restoration is located at 45 Market Street, directly across from the Metro-North Train Station, where parking is free on Sundays. These concerts are made possible, in part, through the Putnam Arts Council’s Arts Link Grant Program with public funds provided through the NY State Council on the Arts with support from the Office of the Governor and the NY State Legislature. Our special thanks for a generous contribution from Marcelline Thomson, board member, and David Duffy.

We rely on your support to present music of this quality in our community. Contributions payable to the Chapel Music Fund may be sent to The Chapel Restoration Inc. P.O. Box 43 ~ Cold Spring, New York.